Wingsuit Flying

· sports

Wingsuit Flying, also called wingsuiting, is a variation of skydiving. In this sport, a person will fly in the air using a special jumpsuit called a wingsuit. This wingsuit comprises of two arm wings and a single leg wing which has inflatable pressurized nylon cells.

Wingsuit Flying is a relatively new sport. It relies on the ability of the flyer to maneuver their body around obstacles wearing an aerodynamic "flying squirrel" suit. It's a dangerous sports that requires skill and nerves of steel. Modern fabric technology has produced strong flight suits that can withstand the intense wind resistance encountered at high descent velocities. 바카라사이트  These fabrics mean that wingsuit flyers can go higher and further than ever before using a helicopter or small plane to increase their launch height.   However, these longer flights mean the potential for impact injury and death is also greater than ever.

Wingsuit flying history

In the early twentieth century, Franz Reichelt, an Austrian-born clothier, began flinging dummies from the fifth floor of his Paris apartment building dressed in homemade wearable parachutes. All went well, at first. However, Reichelt, AKA, “the Flying Tailor” knew commercial success would require robust proof of his suit’s effectiveness. On October 16, 1912, Reichelt ascended the first platform of the Eiffel tower. Moments later, before a crowd of excited onlookers, he became the sport’s first human sacrifice.

In the century since Reichelt became a puddle on the Parisian street, wingsuit design has evolved considerably. Canvas, silk, wood, whalebone, and even steel was replaced with ram-air wings made from ultra-light, highly durable ripstop nylon. When donned by the right pilots, modern rigs offer mind-blowing accuracy. They allow skilled wing suiters to brush trees, mountain walls, strike minuscule targets inches off the ground, bank and turn, and shoot between obstacles barely wider than their suit. Modern participants liken it to wearing a fabric fighter jet. Like a fighter jet, you’ll also need to know precisely how to fly one. You’ll need to learn to wingsuit.